I'm afraid I won't be adding many photos for a while because my camera seems to be broken :-( Unsure how or why as there's no exterior evidence of damage, so will be taking it to the shop to be looked at and hopefully repaired.
Aunty Leah is a very versatile Aunty, she can make clothes, toys, cut hair and do various other exciting things, to find out more go here.
Taking shots of a young child having their hair cut is more difficult than you'd think because of all the movement but I thought these two were reasonable, and the second one is rather amusing too!
Our second punnet of home grown strawberries and there's more to be had :-)
Freshly baked scones, jam, clotted cream and strawberries straight from the garden - yum!
As I'm sure you've worked out by now, being a child in the Rae household can sometimes get quite tiresome, especially where cameras are involved.
"Hold that there for a second Matix."
"Don't bite just yet."
It's not enough to be cute and say cheese for the camera, you have to follow directions, hold a pose and even disrupt your meal times for the sake of your parents' arty whims. I thought that our little strawberry pickings photo shoot would be a good demonstration of this....
When I was in Edinburgh I had a look through some old family photos and decided that because I couldn't take them all and scanning takes forever it'd be fun to take photos of the photos. I realised that if composed well and in the right lighting they could become quite interesting and a new photo in themselves. Most of them were quite rushed but a few worked out. I may take some time to do the same with my own photos from when I was a teen and see what I come up with.
I went to Edinburgh this weekend for a little break. I visited family went out with some girl friends and wandered the city centre shopping and taking photographs.
These two shots are my favourite. I have decided that I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to start taking my tripod out with me and setting up shots more intentionally if I want to improve at all.