Tuesday 5 April 2011


We stayed at the in-laws' this weekend just gone and Squishy never quite settles well at night. After about half an hour of playing "run into the living room, cause havoc and get mummy to put me back to bed" I told her it was definitely bedtime now, popped her in bed, turned the main light off (there was a lamp on) shut the door and left her to it.

About five minutes later I heard banging and found her up against the door on a chair turning the light back on. So I took the chair away, turned the light off again and closed the door. She complained a bit but within a couple of minutes all was silent and I assumed she'd gone back to bed.

I went back in around 20 mins later to find the light on and her cuddling a rather unusual bedtime toy:

I can only assume that she used this to stand on to turn the light back on before going to sleep holding it!

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